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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to teach myself to play a musical instrument?

Question:Which do you think i should learn? I always wanted to play the flute but i am open to options. The only one i am not keen on is the guitar.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Which do you think i should learn? I always wanted to play the flute but i am open to options. The only one i am not keen on is the guitar.

If you can afford to purchase a small keyboard there are many books and cd's out there that will give you the basics-- enuogh to start playing with both hands fairly quick!
It's also inexpensive to rent a piano -- mine is $53 per month and I have seen them as low as $25 per month.
Learning to play keyboard will teach you to use both hands and to read music in both clefs - something yuo don't get with most instruments. Since you already have some music experience I think you will find mastering the keyboard a quick way to enjoy playing music.
My students have a harder time picking up with stringed instruments, namely guitar and violin. If you want to learn to play the flute I would suggest taking a few lessons to get the breathwork correct--that's key. But once you have that down a book course could show you simple tunes and notes.
Good luck!


piano ....

the ocarina is very easy to play.

Piano is the easiest to learn and has the fastest reward. It won't take long before you can play songs that you like. Also, learning music theory is easiest from a piano which will help you pick up other instruments in the future if you so desire.

if you like the flute, do that. or the clarinet. go to the library and look at the tutor books to see which you fancy.

Buy the instrument you would like playing the most (consider how you actually play it, not just how it sounds). Be happy with your decision - it will give you motivation and enjoyment so you will be most likely to succeed. Also consider if it is a good instrument on it's own or if it's best as part of a band, symphony etc.

If you don't go ahead with the Flute I would suggest the Saxophone. But it's really just personal preference.

me tooooo......

How much $ do you want to spend? I suggest a keyboard such as Yamaha PSR series that would allow you to teach yourself with one note chords on the upper and lower keyboards to start with. This would give you immediate satisfaction, and then while learning how to actually play the chords yourself and actually play the instrument, you can graduate to not using as many of the automatic features etc... plus all the voices available on a keyboard, you can select Flute,Oboe, Guitar, Sax, Piano, Organ, Trumpet, Trombone, etc etc etc....

I suggest flute, because the piano should be started at an early age. And an other suggestion: try to play instinctively, if you don't know music theory yet, and you will get to know your instrument much better (this is my own experience...)

Piano is the most difficult, I started with the recorder in school, then moved to the flute and eventually the trumpet. See how they are all related.

drums can be challenging as well, becuase the drummer sets the beat for the rest of the band.