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Question:Can you use a pick and play the bass guitar the exact way you play a normal guitar? Websites on how to play?Source?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can you use a pick and play the bass guitar the exact way you play a normal guitar? Websites on how to play?Source?

yeah, you can use a pick...but it all depends on what type of sound you want to get from the instrument...if you want a nice, round, bassy sound...then go with your fingers.
but if you want a twangy, brighter sound, go with the pick...lots of metal/rock bands use picks, while softer rock/blues players use their fingers.

Well you can use a pick yeah, but it wont sound anything like a Regular guitar.

You could, adjusting for the two fewer strings. Why would you?

Yes you can. Some bassman combine the boat except for slapping bass where the thumb and fingers come into play.

When I do studio work, the bassman have to use a pick for a clean sound.

Yes! can play equally as well with both!...although you're fingers will produce a more mellow sound and hurt more if you're learning? of luck...

Yes you can use a pick, but no, you cant really do chords. You can do power chords on the higher strings though.