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Position:Home>Performing Arts> When is too late to have vocal lessons?

Question:i'm 12years old but I can't have vocal lessons becaus our family doesnt have enough money so I'm thinking that when I'm older and have a job I can pay for my own lessons. But what if it's too late for me to fufill my dream?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm 12years old but I can't have vocal lessons becaus our family doesnt have enough money so I'm thinking that when I'm older and have a job I can pay for my own lessons. But what if it's too late for me to fufill my dream?

No it is never to late . I believe Deana Carter the country singer didn't make it till she was 40 and when she did she made it big you just have to keep working hard for your dream . Never give up .

Never too late. Obviously you can train your vocal chords better if you practice younger, but you can take it at any time and get good.

it's never to late

when you're dead or no longer have a voice

I'd say it depends what kind of singing your going to do. Maybe around the age of 20 is when you should start your lessons, or maybe alittle sooner.

I hope you fufill your dream someday.
Good luck =]

My father is taking lessons and he's in his late fifties! You have the world of time to get a great voice. Good luck!


It's never too late to fulffil your dream, you can start at any time. As long as you practise or sing along your fav. songs then you can start and be a singer.

only too late if your dead. If your voice is beautiful, it has nothing to do with lessons. Lessons only shape and control your sound. God did most of the work so whenever you have the money, it will be well spent. That's IF you have a great singing voice.

See if your family will let you join the church choir or school music program if you have one. Twelve isn't too young to get a part-time job, maybe an hour or two a day somewhere. Save money, it adds up. Start looking for a voice teacher now, if you have extraordinary talent or you can do chores for them maybe they'll take you for 1/2 hour a week.

It's never too late to do anything...

It's never too late to try...

You're never too old...

You're never too young...



why don't you just try practicing on your own.?

No, it's not. I didn't start real voice lessons until college and was a voice performance major. Stay in choir and pay attention.

But for now, as a music teacher I can say this confidently, ask your choir teacher if you could trade work after school for a lesson once a week. Most music teachers can teach voice very well. I have done this with students often. Music teachers always need help with cleanup, filing, photocopying, etc.

But if you do this, be a good worker. It isn't fair to enter into an agreement like this and then give the teacher shoddy work.

No - it isn't too late.

It is only too late when you stop breathing.

When you reach 60, then you are too old. Hope it gives you enough time so i can hear you sing.
Good Luck !!