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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I play these notes on the saxaphone?

Question:A, C, D, E,F, G
can you tell me the fingering.
Like I know that B is just the first key.
Can you tell me the others.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A, C, D, E,F, G
can you tell me the fingering.
Like I know that B is just the first key.
Can you tell me the others.

A: first and second key
C: second key ONLY
D: left: first,second, and third key. Right: first,second and third key and the register key **the one by your thumb**
E: same as D but you lift the last key *the one closest to the bottom of the instrument*
F: Lift the next lowest key **if you are going from E**
G: first, second and third key **on your left hand** and the register key.

hope that helps!

I don't know the saxophone but I do know the fingerings for the clarinet. Sorry.

It would really be complicated to put into words all these sax fingerings. But if you will go to this web site, there is a free saxophone fingering chart that you can either use on the screen or you can print it out.

The site is:

Look through a fingering chart.

A is the first two keys
C is just the middle key
D is all of the three keys on your left hand and all the keys on your right hand
E is all of your left hand and your index and middle finger on your left hand
G is all three keys on your left hand

i've been playing for about 3 1/2 years... it's best to look on a fingering chart or take lessons... i started with accent on acheviement books..their not very exciting but they introduce new notes fast and before long you can play alot! :]