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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to buy an electric guitar?

Question:i dont know what is a good guitar to buy i am new at this. i found this one some people have told me its will get out of tune to easily. i dont have money for 100 dollars guitars max and its already pushing it its 400 dollars i have to expend. can any one recommend guitars that look nice and play nice.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i dont know what is a good guitar to buy i am new at this. i found this one some people have told me its will get out of tune to easily. i dont have money for 100 dollars guitars max and its already pushing it its 400 dollars i have to expend. can any one recommend guitars that look nice and play nice.

No man trust me, ibanez is actually one of the brands that doesn't get out of tune. I have an Ibanex Gio, which is a starting guitar like the one you linked to, and i only need to tune it every week, and i practice everyday. Also it just depends which kind of body you like for your guitar, like the les paul type of look or just the normal (stratocaster) type of look most guitars have. I liked gibson's les paul design so i ended up getting an epiphone custom les paul. I would say either get a squier, which is a sub brand of fender that makes good, cheap guitars. Or an epiphone, which has great prices and awesome looking guitars with most of em under a limited lifetime warranty.

depends on the music you want to play, that ibanez is good for metal or really distorted stuff.

i suggest an epiphone sg,
stylish and great sound

best price too.

It doesn't matter what guitar your buying as long as it feels good in your hands and it looks good(so you'll respect it more). Practicing is 99% of what you really need. You can always buy another guitar later on if you want to specialize in any specific genre. As far as a guitar going out of tune, they all do. Some hold their tuning better than others but just learn how to tune and your off jamming.

Ibanez is good

On low end everyone goes with a Squire

You WILL learn that $$$ buy instrument.

Not a lot, either, but $600 used $2,000 new

There is NOTHING like an American Tele or Strat or Les Paul

You can get used Telecasters fairly cheap, but still over your budget and then you may need to customize it.

Mexican Strats aren't bad. Japanese Strats as ok.

But an American made strat is a work horse.

I personally was never able to afford one. Even when I was younger they were $1,100

Should have bought a Martin acoustic. They were $800 then, now they are $3,000

check out Godin and Epiphone