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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Bob Dylan or Arlo Guthrie?

Question:I have to agree with "Harpy" in a slightly different way. It's similar to comparing Apples with Oranges. I sat through and have been close to both of them in tiny venues and large auditoriums, and Both have their place. I just happen to enjoy BOBS place more.

Arlo is no less a genius perhaps, but comes from WOODY. Bob comes from a different vein, and expresses more often, a deeper pulse of a heart than Arlo. Mr. Guthrie will long be remembered for ALICE, but so will BOB for his wider scope.

I'd actually enjoy seing both of them together in concert, as WOODY was one of Bobs mentors too.

Steven Wolf
Just some old guy

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have to agree with "Harpy" in a slightly different way. It's similar to comparing Apples with Oranges. I sat through and have been close to both of them in tiny venues and large auditoriums, and Both have their place. I just happen to enjoy BOBS place more.

Arlo is no less a genius perhaps, but comes from WOODY. Bob comes from a different vein, and expresses more often, a deeper pulse of a heart than Arlo. Mr. Guthrie will long be remembered for ALICE, but so will BOB for his wider scope.

I'd actually enjoy seing both of them together in concert, as WOODY was one of Bobs mentors too.

Steven Wolf
Just some old guy

P.S. The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handle baby.

That's almost synonymous with 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?'.

I'd rather listen to Dylan for a day. He's got much more to love.