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Position:Home>Performing Arts> My laney tube amp sound funny?

Question:sound like its not clear both channels

its hard to explain sounds like the power cord it kind sound like clear then dull then clear again?

are my tubes going bad? This is my first tube amp?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: sound like its not clear both channels

its hard to explain sounds like the power cord it kind sound like clear then dull then clear again?

are my tubes going bad? This is my first tube amp?

It could be a number of different things but in a tube amp, it usually is the tubes. Either they are old and "burned out" or they are simply bad tubes. Or perhaps one of the tubes is bad. How old is your amp? Was it new when you got it? I would suggest finding a local music store that can have a tech examine your amp and provide you with an estimate to repair it. But before you do that, be sure to try a different guitar and a different cable if you haven't already done that. It might not actually be your amp after all.

It could be a tube problem but most likely sounds like a transformer , you might consider getting a Fender, they cost a bit but very dependable.