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Question:I really want singing classes, but is it too late for me to start? i'm 15 about to turn 16.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really want singing classes, but is it too late for me to start? i'm 15 about to turn 16.

Ur actually starting at the perfect time.
I have trained with many great voice coaches and many of them only accept students that are over the age of 15 yrs.

The vocal chords are the most intersting muscle, because they only fully develop at about 14 yrs or 15 yrs. People who are younger than 15 can do considerable damage to their vocal chords if they are pushed to hard by vocal coaches. Womans voices do also break, but not nearly as dramatically as a mans. It breaks in small stage over the yrs and ur range and tone changes. The connection between ur brain and ur vocal chords is also fully developed at ur age meaning u will find training easier.

THat said, I also believe that singing is a natural talent and many people - no matter how good or long they train - will never be good singers. Enjoy ur singing and stay dedicated.

Its never too late. Some people take singing lessons at 30!

No, it's never too late.

I don't think there is a "right" time to start.
I'm gonna start some singing classes too and i'm the same age you are.
Good Luck (:

I think you should go for it! It's never too late to start anything when you are young!

its never too late to start voice lessons! I didn't start until I was 14. Voice lessons are really about strengthening your muscles. Age doesn't change that.

Alex--it is a perfect age to get an evaluation by a a pro singing coach. This will be a yes or no as to your abilities---any younger is no good--your voice changes at the teen years stage of life. ....good luck and have fun with it.

There is no age limit to learning anything, so go ahead and do it.

like everyone is telling you.
its never to late to try new things.

not at all! it's never too late to start anything. go for's better to then not trying at never know what could might even be a star someday, you never know unless you try. you are the only person who can stop you from doing anything. so definitely go for it. it's never too late.

It's never too late to start doing something you love!! Go for it and good luck in your future endeavours!!

Start right now. Sing out.

It's not too late not at all. I started playing guitar when i was 14, so just a few years younger than you are now and was self taught. I became a session musician by the time i was 20. With practice you can be as good as you want to be, if you aim to be a professional singer get lessons as soon as possible. Best of luck

No you can start any age.

its never to late...
so go for it

Not at all. Perfect. The body is nearl;y mature.

it's definately not too late

Heck no - you're still incredibly young! Go for it. You're never too old to start something new. (Especially not at 15!)

it is never too late. in fact your actually closer to being around the right time. Because you are older you're going to pick up on topics and ideas way quicker than some 5 year old. Plus technically you are not supposed to start voice lessons until you are over 13 years old for girls or 14 for guys. There are whole music organizations for senior citizens who just learned how to play an instrument. You are getting a young start.

you are still quite young but even if you were older it wouldn't be too young. the art of singing spans all generations.