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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Band director gives me and my friends Buglers holiday?

Question:Im in 8th grade and my band director gave me and the 1st and second chair buglers holiday to play for a ensemble contest coming up. I have third part, and i hear its the hardest. Do any trumpet players that have played this piece have any tips?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im in 8th grade and my band director gave me and the 1st and second chair buglers holiday to play for a ensemble contest coming up. I have third part, and i hear its the hardest. Do any trumpet players that have played this piece have any tips?

I've played all three parts and they're really all about the same in terms of level of difficulty. The biggest challenge to playing it is in the double-tonguing (lots of it!). The other challenge in playing the piece is blending with the other trumpeters so you sound like an ensemble.

Practice your double-tonguing (especially in the middle register for playing the 3rd part) and practice all your articulation work in general (single tonguing up and down scales, for example) and you'll be fine.

yah tell um that your not good enough for the part and u think your friends should have it

Keep your counts and you will do fine. Lick you lips too.