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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Motivation for learning guitar? Where should i start?

Question:I'm really interested in learning to play the guitar. My dad has played guitar for 6 or 7 years now and he taught me the scale. The problem is that im very busy, especially since i began highschool this year. I get up at 5:30 and have to deliver papers, then i have to get ready to be at school for 7:30 because i have early morning clarinet class. Then i have normal classes until 3, where i then walk to a doctors office and do some filing for 2 hours. Then dinner, homework, babysitting and other stuff i usually just get tired, go on the computer or watch tv. Also im having trouble, i dont exactly know where i should start. What should i start learning first etc.

Basically does anyone know how i could stay motivated and possibly what i should start learning first? ( if it helps any, most of the songs im hoping to learn are acoustic) thanks :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm really interested in learning to play the guitar. My dad has played guitar for 6 or 7 years now and he taught me the scale. The problem is that im very busy, especially since i began highschool this year. I get up at 5:30 and have to deliver papers, then i have to get ready to be at school for 7:30 because i have early morning clarinet class. Then i have normal classes until 3, where i then walk to a doctors office and do some filing for 2 hours. Then dinner, homework, babysitting and other stuff i usually just get tired, go on the computer or watch tv. Also im having trouble, i dont exactly know where i should start. What should i start learning first etc.

Basically does anyone know how i could stay motivated and possibly what i should start learning first? ( if it helps any, most of the songs im hoping to learn are acoustic) thanks :)

Learn these chords first; C, G, D. Then buy a capo at a music store and you'll be playing in no time. Good luck!

Motivation should be natural
mine was

Set aside some time on the weekends, and start with the basic open chords, you can find all sorts of video lessons on Youtube.

What motivated me to learn guitar is playing Guitar Hero, and watching the movie "School of Rock".