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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hi Im 14/15 and want to move to america from uk to persue my dream of bein a dan

Question:I want to become really famous like nicole kidman in the acting industry or somewhere along those lines and i want to do dance/romance films like step up if i can get that far! lol unfortunatly as a immature child as i went into secondary school i wanted to be a vet just becuz my parents got me some dogs silly me, causing me to pick the rong GCSE, which was health & social care! I felt so sour! so I talked to my cousins who went to our skool panto with me & they all said to me in there exact words, "You Shud ov bin on tht stage, yu no you could dance betta than you cud walk, even now thats tru, but you've wasted your chance" and i didnt want it to happen to me! Some 1 Help Me i need an agent & i need to move to america b'cuz in england you cant get as far as acting unless yu no famous ppl by chance! My faily isnt tha richest of familys, alos im sure channing tatum * I Dribble * started of not really rich just lyk me but got far b'cuz he lived in America hence tha america part! Help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to become really famous like nicole kidman in the acting industry or somewhere along those lines and i want to do dance/romance films like step up if i can get that far! lol unfortunatly as a immature child as i went into secondary school i wanted to be a vet just becuz my parents got me some dogs silly me, causing me to pick the rong GCSE, which was health & social care! I felt so sour! so I talked to my cousins who went to our skool panto with me & they all said to me in there exact words, "You Shud ov bin on tht stage, yu no you could dance betta than you cud walk, even now thats tru, but you've wasted your chance" and i didnt want it to happen to me! Some 1 Help Me i need an agent & i need to move to america b'cuz in england you cant get as far as acting unless yu no famous ppl by chance! My faily isnt tha richest of familys, alos im sure channing tatum * I Dribble * started of not really rich just lyk me but got far b'cuz he lived in America hence tha america part! Help!

Your chances might be better in London. The BBC because it's state run has a more liberal review policy.

America has tough work rules, strong union rules (YOU have to pay $2,500 to join the union if you want to work, you may have to in England too, but it might be cheaper and have better terms).

If you're going to do serious dance you have to be really good.

You better be able to put your leg around your back and sticked it over your shoulder and scratch your ear with your toes.

If you aren't that limber you won't make it as a dancer except for light duty stuff.

You have to be able to kiss your knee cap in splits and wrap both hands around the bottom of each foot.

Now if you can already do that, you might be able to impress a few people here who are doing music videos and movies like HSM3

You have to straight leg kick higher than your head.

Dance helped Summer Glau get her first parts and by 17 she was already accomplished in Ballet, Tango and Flaminco with 10 years training.

It got her early parts on series TV.

Five years of that got her cast in a series. That series (Firefly on Fox) went 12 weeks (she got to dance in episode, the rest was 3 - 5 pages or minutes of screen time) and got cancelled and now she's parttime in the Sarah Connor Chornicles on Sci Fi channel

They don't like casting teenagers unless they have to, work rules are hard and it's expensive and a parent has to be on set full time.

22 year old Glau played a 17 year old girl in Firefly.

Everyone in HSM was 17 or older from day one and most of them had prior film experience.

Now they're all in their early 20s and still doing it, pretending to be teenagers.

Kiera Knightly's mother had 20 years on stage and TV in the UK affiliated areas and trained her daughter and through her agent got her daughter on some TV shows and some stage work which lead to them casting her in Pirates at the age of 17. By then Kiera had a solid resume with 5-10 TV show appearances. She had a demo real of her work on UK TV.

Her mom's a shakespearian and modern classic stage actor.

So you try for community theater, see if anyone is making indy short films (Ken Russell started that way with Kights on Bikes) and act in them, do some YOu Tube stuff.

Build a foundation.

Get a head shot.

Send it to the BBC and Thames and ITC

Send it every few months.

You'll still need transporation to auditons and a parent around.

If you get into a series you'll make more in 1 month than your parents make all year.

go to college. take drama. move to new york or L.A.. there you go. now you are on your way. as well as 20,000,000 other people.

im the same age and i wanna be as famous as danel crag, im trying everything, just do playes at school keep asking around, get an acting resimay, you can find everything on the enternet, try for comershials, start a band or make some songs, mabie we wil be in a move together some day :P but the very best of luck

first of all, you are too young. second of all, you have to go to dance or film school first. don't just try to become famous out of nothing. a million girls like you try all the time and fail. go to college first.

try to get famous in the UK and than the next step would be a world wide known dancer or actress

Go on to university and pursue your original dream of becoming a veterinarian. You'll need a good safe career that you can fall back on to make money and support yourself while you pursue your show business aspirations.

The truth is that coming to America won't increase your chances for stardom; while there might be more opportunities here than in the UK, there is also that much more competition and that many more starry-eyed aspiring dancers and actors here, too. And just as in England, your chances of going far as an actor in America depends on being in the right place at the right time and knowing people in the business.

The other hard truth is that the vast majority of teens who dream of fame and fortune in films or pop music never make it. Those who were smart enough to go to college or university to train for some marketable professional career outside of show business usually make music, dance or acting their evening, weekend and holiday avocation. Those who went to college or uni to study drama or music or dance usually end up teaching drama or music or dance -- either private lessons or at a school or something. Those who do neither usually wind up working at McDonald's for minimum wage.

Keep in mind that the majority of those who do make a professional living as actors, dancers, or musicians aren't famous -- they're constantly struggling financially, working off-off Broadway or appearing in independent films with tiny budgets for very little money; taking every gig they can get just to pay the rent. But they do it because they LOVE what they do, and that passion for their work is what drives them, not dreams of fame and stardom. You OTOH, seem more interested in becoming a famous star than you are in the crafts of acting or dancing. That pretty much guarantees that you won't succeed, BTW. Sorry.

Stay in England, apply yourself to your schoolwork, get into a good university, become a vet (or a nurse, a social worker, a doctor -- whatever) and pursue your dancing and acting in your spare time.

First off, if you just want to be famous, then don't even think about it. If you can see yourself doing anything else for a living, then do that. That's the first advice that most professionals give.

Second of all, please stay in the UK for a little while. First you should go to college and either double major in Dance and Acting or major in Theatre with a minor in Dance (or the other way around). Don't concentrate on being a star right now. Concentrate on being a good student and preparing yourself for college. Take as many dance and acting classes as you can at as many different places as you can. This is also a great way to network. Networking is the most important aspect of theatre.

So get into community theatre and build up your resume. Once you have a resume and headshot (just have a friend who's a great photographer take one, don't pay lots of money) start sending it to various studios and make sure you go to open call auditions. Just start gaining experience now.

And why not consider the West End in London????It's certainly something to shoot for. I plan on traveling to London for a semester and am contemplating in which area I would be better off.

america is full of people like shawta , plasitic bitches etc.