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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where can I buy a stone pick?

Question:really need to know

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: really need to know

If anyone has it this place might, give it a try, and if they don't have one see if they know where you can find one, they have a place at the bottom that says contact us, go there and see what they can tell you !!!!!!!!
here's another one that I found !!!!!!

do you mean a geologic hammer? any university town bookstore would have them. possibly a home depot or lowe's. if not, just do an internet search on geologic hammer.

(As long as you're not referring to a guitar pick...)

Look in your yellow pages/phone book under Mason-or Masonry Supply Store. You want a mason's hammer-one side is a hammer, the other side is a pick. You may also wish to get a mason's chisel. Both are there.

Strange, I was just looking at these last night.