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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Jose jalapeno?

Question:hello, if anyone here watches jeff dunham, I have a question. Does anyone know where to get a jose jalapeno puppet because i really love it. Thanks everyone!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hello, if anyone here watches jeff dunham, I have a question. Does anyone know where to get a jose jalapeno puppet because i really love it. Thanks everyone!

He made his. I don't know where you could find one, though. Maybe you could try his MySpace page or E-Bay, or something, but i'm not really sure. I hope they're available somewhere,though,because i'd love to have one of Peanut.

Anyway, here's some stuff i found on our favorite Jalapeno...on a steeeek :p...

José Jalape?o, on a Stick!
José is a jalape?o pepper with a Mexican personality, a sombrero, and a mustache, whose running joke is adding "on a stick" (or as José says, "on a steeek!") to the end of most of his sentences. José's movement is restricted to one single motion of the mouth which Jeff operates by using his thumb on the back of José's stick. Although hindered from doing much else, José makes up for his mobility loss with his characteristics, his singing ability, and most of all, his stick. He lives in a plain pine box, one of Jeff's original character storage trunks. José is usually brought out during Peanut's act and the two often get into an argument, with Jeff in the middle of it all. José has clarified that he is not Mexican but Cuban, and that he hails from Florida, although he at times said that he's Puerto Rican and from New York City. Peanut has also given many humorous theories as to the stick, such as José mooning a javelin thrower or a freak pogo accident. ("You know, doing doing shluck!", as Peanut has said.)

This unusual character in Dunham's act has its origin in a series of radio commercials for an Italian restaurant when Dunham was still in college. Dunham supplied voices for talking pizza toppings. The commercial was a success, so he decided to make a puppet for one of the voices. After painting the head and putting the head on a stick to let it dry, one of his roommates walked in and called out, "Hey, a Jalape?o on a Stick!", referring to "toast on a stick", a fake advertisement from Calvert DeForest's character Larry 'Bud' Melman on the David Letterman Show. Both Dunham and his roommate laughed and Dunham never finished the puppet's body, instead opting to use it as is. Over the years José has had a makeover, or may have even been replaced by a better looking version.

On Dunham's official site, it is revealed that José was part of a family of Jumping Jalape?os, and his act involved a pogo stick. He was practicing one day, slipped, and the pogo stick pierced his underside. Close to his heart, the pogo stick could not be removed safely, so they cut off the spring part, giving him his famous 'stick'. For some reason, on "Spark of Insanity," José said it was removable, or at least led people to believe that. It may be possible that José has had a series of operations to make it removable, but has preferred to use it.

José's parents are Juan and Rosa Jalape?o.

José is afraid of "cocka-roaches," particularly "one big one, on a stick" that apparently resides in his carrying case. He is also afraid of Taco Bell.

Jose has a green card which makes him a legal immigrant. He keeps it in his other stick.

Another famous gag involves Peanut talking about Dunham's wife, who is at home alone. He finally mentions that Jeff's wife has had sex with him, which causes Jeff to question. Peanut shakes his head and explains his theory:

"Well, in a twisted kind of way, your wife has slept with all five of us on stage. When you'e wacky and having a good time, that's me! When you're pissed off, laying there thinking 'Man, why did I marry this broad?!', that's Walter. When you're so angry you want to kill her, that's Achmed!"

Jeff then asks what José Jalape?o is considered, which makes Peanut stare right at him and reply, "You're a very sick man!"

Another segment usually features Peanut asking José how he is doing ("?Cómo está usted?"), to which José replies, "Muy bien" (very good). At this point, Jeff usually cuts in and asks them to stop, stating he feels left out. At least once, he mentioned that he doesn't speak Spanish, which causes both puppets to stare at him in disbelief. José responded to this statement by humming the theme to The Twilight Zone, with Peanut replying "Picture, if you will...," further relaying the improbability of the situation.

Jeff Dunham and José Jalape?o also made a short appearance on the 2007 film Delta Farce with Larry The Cable Guy.