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Position:Home>Performing Arts> If you practice hard to sing good..would you improve or is it a natural talent?

Question:Singing. Singing is a single gift from God, but you have to have certain elements to make it work. You must have the ear. What I mean by the "ear" is this; it is CRUCIAL for you to hear your mistakes, learn from them, fix them. You absolutely CANNOT pursue singing if you cannot hear your flaws. You also must be able to carry a tune. Try humming out "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". Do you sound okay? Are you a little shaky??? Don't sweat it. Ask a family member how you sound! Tell them to be honest! If you've diagnosed yourself to have these two abilities, singing is for you. Now, this definitely DOESN'T mean you're the next Celine Dion. You'll be needing some training to even blink in her direction.
So, I conclude that, yes, singing is something you are born with. You are definitely not born with an amazing voice, right off the bat, but it can be developed through training and passion, to become something great.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Singing. Singing is a single gift from God, but you have to have certain elements to make it work. You must have the ear. What I mean by the "ear" is this; it is CRUCIAL for you to hear your mistakes, learn from them, fix them. You absolutely CANNOT pursue singing if you cannot hear your flaws. You also must be able to carry a tune. Try humming out "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". Do you sound okay? Are you a little shaky??? Don't sweat it. Ask a family member how you sound! Tell them to be honest! If you've diagnosed yourself to have these two abilities, singing is for you. Now, this definitely DOESN'T mean you're the next Celine Dion. You'll be needing some training to even blink in her direction.
So, I conclude that, yes, singing is something you are born with. You are definitely not born with an amazing voice, right off the bat, but it can be developed through training and passion, to become something great.

i have no idea , but that person /\ summed up pretty good

Singing is one of the hardest things to do. Anybody can sing, its just a matter of how well. To even be half good you have to be able to hit a pitch. That's half the thing the other half is technique. If you place everything where it should be your voice will be better. If you can carry a tune lessons might be worth a try. Most people are not very good when they start. It is rare for someone to be a complete natural and most people need years of training to be great.

Of course you will improve, to the point of proffesionalism, even, if you start now and practice your entire life. Voice, in my opinion, is the hardest instrument to learn. You can start to practice from the day you can speak until the day you die and you will still not master your instrument. Proper placement will take many many years to perfect. Breath support will also take a very long time. very little of singing is "natural talent". Of course, how fast you can learn to sing well is natural talent, and some are farther along in their studies just starting out than others, but everyone has the ability to sing. The definition of what is good singing it quite obscure, though, especially in today's world. I've still yet to hear a single person on the radio whose voice has impressed me. If you really want to learn how to sing well, get yourself a voice teacher who can sing well; not a pop/karaoke/musical theatre singer. If you really want to learn how to sing, you need to learn the classical, operatic style. Back in Mozart, and Brahms' time, composers had no pity for singers, giving them difficult leaps and broad ranges to sing, because they could. Singers during the Classical, Romantic, and I would even go so far as to say the Baroque period, were trained just as an instrumentalist would have been. Singing in those times was a sacred thing, meant only to praise God, meaning the voice had to be perfect, and singers trained their whole lives to improve. To become a great singer, you need to find someone who still trains this way, and the few people today who still do are mostly opera singers. Pop music is about entertaining first and Musical Theatre is about acting first, second comes the singing. Finally, learn to read music. Far, FAR too many singers today can't even read the sheet music they are given. They need someone to play the tune for them, and they robotically repeat it, only using the sheet music for the lyrics. learning to sight-read is imperitive to perfecting your instrument. Imagine if a concert violinist couldn't read music. How could they ever play their instrument? Instrumentalists practice every day. Singers who are serious about their craft do the same, it is the only way to become a "great" singer as opposed to a "good" singer.

read "Great Singers on Great Singing", by Jerome Hines

yes of course. but i think lessons in how to sing properly would help. i thought my voice was good and when i had singing lessons everyone thought my voice had improved loads. keep practicing and try to get tips. i think your best bet is o have singing lessons.