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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Evil choir teacher.....? here's the deal...i am one of the better singers in our choir...not to brag or anything, but it seems likewhen i can get support from the entire choir i can get into solos and ensambles and stuff...but when it comes to trying out for company, or a musical, where he is one of the jusges, its impossible for me to get in....

my choir teacher has favorites...they always get leads and everything else...there is a junoir this year that got the lead for our spring musical, and he cant even sing that low, he's a high tenor, and its a bass part, not to mention he doesnt fit the part...

i have a friend, i dont know him too personaly, but i care about him, that deserves that part much much more, he's a bass, he fits the part, and he's a senoir...there's a whole bunch of other students that agree with me on this...

then there's the girls part...the girl that got the lead deserves it, but there's a freshman who barely opens her mouth when she sings....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: here's the deal...i am one of the better singers in our choir...not to brag or anything, but it seems likewhen i can get support from the entire choir i can get into solos and ensambles and stuff...but when it comes to trying out for company, or a musical, where he is one of the jusges, its impossible for me to get in....

my choir teacher has favorites...they always get leads and everything else...there is a junoir this year that got the lead for our spring musical, and he cant even sing that low, he's a high tenor, and its a bass part, not to mention he doesnt fit the part...

i have a friend, i dont know him too personaly, but i care about him, that deserves that part much much more, he's a bass, he fits the part, and he's a senoir...there's a whole bunch of other students that agree with me on this...

then there's the girls part...the girl that got the lead deserves it, but there's a freshman who barely opens her mouth when she sings....

As a Choir Director, I would say . . . have a personal talk with your director. Tell him/her how you feel, just as you did here in this post. Don't get mad, upset, or angry . . . be very professional and you should receive the same result in return.

If that doesn't get you anywhere, I would suggest talking tob the Principal and perhaps getting your parents involved. If you study voice . . . a letter or phone call from your voice teacher wouldnt hurt.

Best of luck!

phew - you don't expect us to read all that, do you?

i did. o.O
i think you should confront him, and tell him its not fair. The next time a part comes out, and if he gives it to someone incompetent, go tell a higher authority.

Nip along to the head and show Him/her what you have written. You may get an answer there.
If not pack in the choir.

The same thing happened to me because when I was choir and I tried out for anything the same 2 girls would always get the solo parts. Sometimes when the musical didn't have enough roles for both girls the teacher would make one just for one of them! This really got me and the other people upset because no one else ever got a chance. I would suggest that you send her an anonymous note saying how you feel.

Stop whining about it. Go over the teacher's head if you feel strongly enough about it. Might as well tell you though, nothing will change. Welcome to the real world, unfair isn't it?

If you really are talented, skip the school stuff and go audition at your local community theaters. That way you can miss out on all the high school "drama" and get some good stuff put on your resume!

I'm a former choir director. There's some really bad advice being given by some of these other people. Here's what you should probably do:

Realize that there are a lot of reasons that people don't get parts OTHER than talent. Maybe you haven't been in choir as long as some of the others. Maybe your grades aren't that good. maybe the choir director thinks you're not as responsible as the others, or maybe you're a behavior problem. I don't know. You're probably a great kid, but there are a lot of things it could be.

There is also a BIG possibility that (as you say) the teacher plays favorites. If this is the case, you're not going to be able to stop it. What you should do, if you can't just leave it alone (which would probably be the best idea) is to just go to your teacher and say, "I was pretty disappointed that I didn't get the part. Are there things I can improve on so that I can be more successful in the future. I really like choir and I want to do the best I can."

He'll probably be honest with you and tell you, from his point of view, what his problem is with you. But you will always come out better off if you tell your teacher you want to know how to be better so you can be more involved in the choir program than if you just gripe at him for not picking you. DON'T bring up the stuff about the favorites. You'll just piss him off.

I agree with the last post from the former teacher. For myself I direct theatre at a H.S.and have a music singing & musical directing backround. It's not always about favorites, we have our reasons. For all we know you could be annoying and NOT as talented as you think you are. A lot of kids THINK they are good singers, watch American Idol Auditions....people honestly believe they can sing and they can't. Maybe you can't act or dance? Saying anything about not getting parts you want will just piss everyone off and you will be sure to never get anything. Let me give you an example I recently experienced. I am directing Grease and a senior guy comes in with no prior experience and expects a lead because he took some acting class somewhere once. HELLO!!!! All of a sudden he thinks he is going to be an actor.