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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to get serious at guitar what are some songs i can learn?

Question:I've been playing the guitar for 4 months now and i want some new songs i can play on my electric guitar. They can be easy or intermediate but i would like it to be tablature(tab).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been playing the guitar for 4 months now and i want some new songs i can play on my electric guitar. They can be easy or intermediate but i would like it to be tablature(tab).

you know whats good to do.
write your own song. sounds funny i know. but sit down and take some cords you know, and play randomly until you like how it sounds. write them down so you dont forget (dont worry about neatness) and do another and keep going. after you have alot written down (this may take lots of time, months its self) mix them together. and then after you have something that sounds nice, you might change things up , write out the notes and cords, then go to this web site, and print out what you need.
and write them it. and look you wrote a song.
this will help your playing skills more then actuly learnign a song. it teaches you how to listen and pick out good and bad sounding cords together. it will help your reading music abilty because your writting it from paper to staff paper. AND its your own creation, it something that wont become anything good with out all your own work. so you can tell your progress. and it will keep you determed on playing and going.
even if you dont want to be a music writter someday. THIS is something you should do. i promise if you try it and finish what you started youll enjoy your guitar skills much more then you did before. because youll need to dig deep and learn more then you ever could just printing out a song and reading it and playing it.
i do this with piano, guitar and drumming and im glad my teacher MADE me with piano because it helped me alot. and now i want to someday publish what i write. so you never no what will happen.

learn some greenday song
those should help with chord changes etc.

Learn Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water", that's a good starting song with chords.

Try "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath, it might be your first song with power chords, but your fingers will get used to it.

And, if you can do it, try "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. It is sort of hard, and you will need to do arpeggios (broken up chords) instead of chords.

Have fun!