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Question:Where can i find free piano sheet music for Bubbly by Colbie Caillat? (An exact link please, not just websites)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where can i find free piano sheet music for Bubbly by Colbie Caillat? (An exact link please, not just websites)

Relax, I'm not interested in beating you up. Yes, the song is in copyright and you are not likely to find sheet music for free, but I understand that when music is so readily available online, it is difficult to understand that it has monetary value.

The recording industry is being particularly harsh on those who interfere with the profits that their distributors and retailers used to make however. For your own protection, I would suggest that you pick up a legitimate copy of the sheet music. If your local store does not stock it, you can get it from a digital music store. There happens to be one that has been kind to me. I dont' make any profit from it if you should decide to visit, and of course you are free to visit or sheetmusic plus or any of the hundreds of other stores that are out there.


hosts my songs and allows my students to download them for free. This is a real lifesaver during things like winter breaks when they may have left their music in school, or their moms might have thrown it out because she was cleaning her room and wasn't being particularly careful. One student even downloaded a song so she could play it or her grandmother. I thought it was kind of sweet when she told me about it. So, if you slightly less money than it would cost for a hamburger fries and a coke at any decent burger joint, you can still have the music you want and nobody will jump down your throat for wanting it! You'll also be helping Mike Daly stay in business so my kids can keep replacing their lost music and stuff. (sorry, I just can't get over the fact that this fifth grader called me from her Grandmother's house to let me know that she downloaded one of my silly arrangements to play for her Grandmum. It blows me away to find out that there is still that much joy waiting out there for me!)

By the way, I listened tot he song out of curiosity and it is a really special one. I can see why you would want to learn it. Is everything she does this good? Thank you for sharing your appreciation for this song. I might have never heard it otherwise. Gotta go listen to it again. Hope I helped.


Considering the song has just been recorded and published, its under copyright, which means you won't find FREE sheet music. At least not legally. You'll have to pay for it if you want it.

Why do you think you're entitled to steal music from the people who wrote and recorded it? If you like Colbie Caillat so much, why do you want to steal from her? Doesn't she deserve to get paid for her work?