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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can someone give me tips on improving my violin vibrato???

Question:I can play finger & hand vibrato......Quite well actually..... But Im having problem with wrist vibrato & just started trying it...Im doing a performence next Jan & i really want to be able to do it for the performence.....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can play finger & hand vibrato......Quite well actually..... But Im having problem with wrist vibrato & just started trying it...Im doing a performence next Jan & i really want to be able to do it for the performence.....

Keep your hand and finger in the same position and move only your wrist. Slowly move back and forth gradually gaining speed as you go. Practice this before you start playing . Also, I must say that hand and finger vibrato is not really vibrato at all. It's too inconsistent and sounds sloppy.

Vibrato takes different amounts of time for different people to learn.

Start in third position on any string. Rock your first finger back and fourth slowly and then get faster and then slower again. This will help improve your vibrato variation and help you to work on your faster vibrato.