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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hit high notes for males?

Question:I am a bass and been practicing for years in choirs
But its the un-fulfillment when it comes to pop songs that i have,
the highest I can reach now is a G# (abv middle C), with straining, an A
Is there any way or method for me to be able to reach high notes in a very short time (eg 3days)
I have peers doing methods like accelerating fast scales up to hit notes but the end result wasnt that brillant as i want.
Something like the car's gear1 - 4 kinda sound.. yuck!
So i need help now

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a bass and been practicing for years in choirs
But its the un-fulfillment when it comes to pop songs that i have,
the highest I can reach now is a G# (abv middle C), with straining, an A
Is there any way or method for me to be able to reach high notes in a very short time (eg 3days)
I have peers doing methods like accelerating fast scales up to hit notes but the end result wasnt that brillant as i want.
Something like the car's gear1 - 4 kinda sound.. yuck!
So i need help now

Voice lessons would help. Failing that, there are a couple of things you can try.

Make sure you are not grabbing with your throat. The jaw should be relaxed, the tip of your tongue should be behind your teeth and the middle of the tongue elevated, as if you are yawning.

A low, relaxed breath is critical. Make sure when you're singing that you're not holding your breath or just plain forgetting to breathe.

Sometimes a lack of high notes or screechy high notes comes from carrying too much weight up the scale. Try not pushing or beefing up the lower and middle voice before an approach to a high note. If your voice is shifting into a falsetto, let it go for now - trying to hold it down will just cause more tension.

One way to practice is to bow your head - this opens up and relaxes everything that should be relaxed. Get used to the sensation of your neck and your jaw and tongue being loose and relaxed.

When you go for a high note, pretend you're lifting a piano - this will get you to use your diaphragm.

Good luck.