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Question:I bought a violin in Dec 2006. But until now, I still always play the wrong pitch, whether a sharp higher or a flat lower. Besides practise more and more, are there techniques on violin so I'd handle it easier?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I bought a violin in Dec 2006. But until now, I still always play the wrong pitch, whether a sharp higher or a flat lower. Besides practise more and more, are there techniques on violin so I'd handle it easier?

I hope you have a teacher ; it is impossible to teach yourself the violin.
DO NOT USE STICKERS. You have to train your ears to recognise the correct notes.
Start by playing scales.

PS I hope you have an electronic tuner to get your violin correctly in tune.

because there are no frets on a violin, you could put little stickers, so you know where to put your fingers.

Maybe you should get some lessons from a music teacher. A violin teacher. You can't learn playing the violin on your own. Also, get a manual for beginners... It takes time and patience.

Excuse me smarty pants,first of all,do u learnt how to play violin from a music teacher?If not,then GO AND LEARN MAN!PLAYING VIOLIN IS NOT EASY LIKE BLINKIN' UR EYES,MATE!

yeah use stickers they really help. when you hit a wrong note, don't just move on - go back and get it right. Use markings on your music - if say you needed to remember it's a B flat, out a down arrow above the note. And horrible though it sounds, practice your scales!!! its what they're there for. If a piece is in the key of D major, practice the D major scale and arpeggio first. If you don't know how to tell what key a piece is in, have a look at this:

It works, trust me. I've had 12 years experience.