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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do string musical instruments such as guitars and violins produce sounds?

Question:Sounds are produced by vibration.

When the stretched strings of the instruments are plucked, they vibrate to produce sound !!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sounds are produced by vibration.

When the stretched strings of the instruments are plucked, they vibrate to produce sound !!!

the strings they use are kept at a certain tension. When these strings are put into motion, they vibrate, which in turn, vibrates the air around them The rate at which the air moves, one molecule bashing or compressing into the next, and then relaxing or rarefying, is picked up by our ears, and translated by our brains into a sound. If the compression/rarefaction rate ( measured in Hertz-HZ) is amplified by the body of the instrument, they also pick up a resonance, or distinctly identifiable tone quality ( also known as sonance).
check out your physics textbooks on acoustics.
