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Position:Home>Performing Arts> 15 year old taking up guitar?

Question:I'm recently 15, turning 16 next year. I would really like to take up electrical guitar. Is it too late 4 miie? plus, im a girl. normally its always guys who are more interested in it.

I appreciate ur answers. ty.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm recently 15, turning 16 next year. I would really like to take up electrical guitar. Is it too late 4 miie? plus, im a girl. normally its always guys who are more interested in it.

I appreciate ur answers. ty.

No, its NEVER too late to take up a musical instrument :-)

If you want to play electric guitar, then get one and get started. You DON'T have to start with acoustic guitar unless you want to. And lots of girls seem to be taking up electric guitar these days. Go for it!

Better late than never. I've convinced people to learn guitar in their 20's. They became quite good. Go for it!

i would but i would start off w/ a normal one for a month and then pick up the electirc because then it is more simpal. TRUST ME! thats what happend to me! no lie. so , have fun and learn quick!

i started playing the guitar at 26. I'm now 36 and play the guitar really well. It is never too late to learn anything and 15 is young, young, YOUNG!!! Go for it!

It's never to late to learn anything! Girl or Guy, as long as desire and motivation is your driving factor. Good luck and maybe some day you'll be producing CD's!

It's never to late to pursue anything in life. Your still so young. Go for it. I bet if you stick with it you'll be very good in 6 month and then in a year even better. My husband started playing guitar at 18. He's now 34 and he's a very good guitarist. So, just do it!

its never too late for anyone to start guitar you could be 50 and it still wouldnt be too late.and it doesnt matter if your a girl or not girls play guitar too

Of course you should go for it!
It's never too late to learn any instrument.
Besides, since it's "usually guys interested in it" you'll be different and people will notice your difference.
Just another way to impress people :]

its never to late... a guitar in a girl's hands is hott

it should NEVER matter whether you are a boy or a girl when it comes to music. 15 is no where near too late, its never too late really (unless you're gonna die tomorrow or something)

i don't think its ever too late to learn anything, and btw, guitars are not meant for guys only, you can try check out 88db website and look for guitar classes or lessons....have fun

Why would it be too late?

One thing to consider is a headphones setup so you won't drive people nuts. Something like the old Rockman which had reverb and distotion effects.

Something that also lets you play along with CDs using headphones.

I would imagine you are considering a Squire which is not a bad starting guitar.

Listen to your heart. If you love the instrument, play it. I have been playing professionally for 30 years.

I love to communicate through my instruments. Never too late for anything that you set your heart into.