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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do any of you work with a ballet company, opera, symphony?

Question:If you do, are you hiring? I would love to work w/ a performing arts organization in some capacity, in marketing, PR etc. any suggestions? I'm available to relocate anywhere in the U.S. I'm in New Orleans currently. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you do, are you hiring? I would love to work w/ a performing arts organization in some capacity, in marketing, PR etc. any suggestions? I'm available to relocate anywhere in the U.S. I'm in New Orleans currently. Thanks!

I do work in an opera theater, but in Germany, so I think my city is a bit off your list.
However, if you look up most of the major opera houses or orchestras websites, you will probably find information on intern programs, or contact addresses. there's nothing better than a letter sent to those offices, requesting further information. Especially in arts management, since they don't often get much of the limelight.
Closest to you, of course, would be Texas or Georgia, but I'd try looking up as far away as NY and SF anyway.
Competent arts management and press are sorely needed, so I wish you the best of luck.