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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I really want to try to learn how to sing "When You're Gone" by Av

Question:I dance and I can play the piano, and some people may think that that's already enough talent. But for me, it's not. I've always wanted to sing. I have ALWAYS wanted to get up on stage and show everybody that the dancer/pianist has a voice too. So I've been practicing with videos on the internet that have lyrics. When I sing at the same time as Avril, I can hear that I can hit all of the notes. But I'm scared to let my voice go when I sing without Avril singing. Should I just keep practicing? Oh, and by the way, I can't really get a singing coach because I can't tell anyone that I'm doing this. Nobody is going to help you. It's just something I want to do by myself. Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I dance and I can play the piano, and some people may think that that's already enough talent. But for me, it's not. I've always wanted to sing. I have ALWAYS wanted to get up on stage and show everybody that the dancer/pianist has a voice too. So I've been practicing with videos on the internet that have lyrics. When I sing at the same time as Avril, I can hear that I can hit all of the notes. But I'm scared to let my voice go when I sing without Avril singing. Should I just keep practicing? Oh, and by the way, I can't really get a singing coach because I can't tell anyone that I'm doing this. Nobody is going to help you. It's just something I want to do by myself. Any suggestions?

well im the same way i can sing dance nd play the guitar. umm. ive always dreamed to be a rockstar nd i am so all i have to say is go for it. print off the lyrisc to any song u want and set there nd read them until u have them merized and themm play it on the piano and when the time is right u can g oup on stage and sing and play the piano and get rich lolz

If you want to do this by yourself, then you shouldn't be posting this then! BUT I'll give you my thoughts anyway... I say, don't be afraid. Just go for it! Pretend You can still hear Avril's voice and just sing along. I'm sure you'll do fine.

well i have been singing since i was able to talk literally. and lemme tell you something. everybody needs practice. jsut go in a room where nobody can hear you, or at least pretend that nobody can hear you lol and jsut sing as loud as you want. the louder you go, the more notes you can hit! but, you will damage your voice if you do not properly vocalize. so do so, and if you see that you enjoy singing, try to get a vocal instructor. i know it may not be what you want but it would help :) . post a video up of you singing!! i wanna hear!! **i dont mean to sound creepy, i just love to hear people sing lol**! GOOD LUCK!!! AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!!