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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you improv on guitar?

Question:i suck at this. i wanna just belt out random solos but i cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i suck at this. i wanna just belt out random solos but i cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please help!!!!!

dude that completely depends on your eagerness....i know a person who has been playin for 5 yrs but hasnt been able to pick up comfortably numb solo...n i know another guy whos been playin for bout 1.5 yrs n shreds almost as good as john petrucci..

if u love playin..then u will practice coz u like the music and not coz u want to become very skilled...skill will come naturally...
oh n good guitaring is not about playing fast dude..its about knowing what u can do n using tht to ur best

i've been playing for 3 yrs now and im not great at it but not bad either
it just takes practice and depends on your determination.. just listen to a lot of music to get different styles in your head and practice

the best way is to learn where the scales fall in relation to the chords....if you put the chord forms on a page and then overlay the scales to them, you'll see where the relationship is between them...put a G chord on a tab sheet and then put the G major, pentatonic, minor, whatever scale over it and you'll see what I'm talking about....the notes of the scale form the notes of the chord, as well as the 'passing' tones.....then, once you know the chord progressions of whatever song you're playing you'll be able to solo over almost everything you come across....and the guy above me made an excellent point that all players are going to progress at different paces, and you just have to give it time and don't expect too much based on what you know you're level of ability is....and the good part is, once you learn these relationships in one key, they translate to every key.....the only thing that changes is the position on the fretboard relative to the key you are playing in.....just learn one key, the way each scale fits over the chord in that key, and the progressions in that key, and then they transpose all over the fretboard....with a little practice at this, one day the light will come on and you'll go......DAMN THAT'S IT.....hahahahaha....and then you'll be off into another world of playing alotgether.....the main thing is practice....and once you see the relationship between chord to scale in your head....any song is fair game for improv solos that are truly your own

ok ill give you a simple answer. experiment, learn scales, patterns, exercises, you can even steal some things to some songs.
find out what sequences you like and apply them to your improvisation.
keep practicing, with the time you will get better you will see.
by the way the pentatonic scale is a very good scale to improvise, try it.