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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Best way to get started in the acting business if you live in Hawaii?

Question:I love acting.ive been bitten by the acting bug when i was 10. im currently 14 (15 in 3 months) and i want to start getting into the business. Thing is, I live in Hawaii so you dont get many (if any) casting calls, or auditions. Were a bit separated from everything. The closest i ever got to acting was minor school/church plays and some film stuff when i was in 6th grade(a newsreporting thing, but we had to do a lot of adlibbing). Nothing that serious. Any advice?
I'm more of a film type of person, but I'm willing to do some theatre stuff as well.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love acting.ive been bitten by the acting bug when i was 10. im currently 14 (15 in 3 months) and i want to start getting into the business. Thing is, I live in Hawaii so you dont get many (if any) casting calls, or auditions. Were a bit separated from everything. The closest i ever got to acting was minor school/church plays and some film stuff when i was in 6th grade(a newsreporting thing, but we had to do a lot of adlibbing). Nothing that serious. Any advice?
I'm more of a film type of person, but I'm willing to do some theatre stuff as well.

being in hawaii will make it very difficult. you need to send your head shots to casting agencies and most of those are not going to be in hawaii. also becareful there are a lot of scam casting agencies too. they will charge you about $500 to take your head shots and you will never hear from them again.

you will need to subscribe to entertainment industry magazines like Variety and look for open audition calls. once in a while like very couple years or so there might be one in hawaii. if you are serious about going in the acting entertainment business when you are old enough you may want to consider moving to California so you can be closer to more auditions.

start taking theater classes in jr and high school you will need all the expirence you can get. if you are really serious check with you parents you might be able to find acting camps that would help you make important contacts

get on a plane and go to NY or LA

i live in hawaii to it would be cool to be an actor, but you have to live on mainland. hawaii is isolated from acting except i know someone who does movies
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