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Position:Home>Performing Arts> (To all pianists/keyboardists) I need a good reference?

Question:I have signed up to accompany children's sing-a-longs on the piano and I have been thinking of some ideas to make things a little more fun. I would like to know if anyone has any good references or sources for (for lack of a better word) "musical onomatopoeias". In other words, how to make musical sound effects. I don't know how else to describe what I'm looking for. Prokofiev was very good at this sort of thing in his work, Peter and the Wolf. I'm not looking for long phrases but short things that might work for a jingle when a child makes a right answer, or a wrong answer, or a short musical "hooray" when they do a good job. If there is something like this out there, I would appreciate your help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have signed up to accompany children's sing-a-longs on the piano and I have been thinking of some ideas to make things a little more fun. I would like to know if anyone has any good references or sources for (for lack of a better word) "musical onomatopoeias". In other words, how to make musical sound effects. I don't know how else to describe what I'm looking for. Prokofiev was very good at this sort of thing in his work, Peter and the Wolf. I'm not looking for long phrases but short things that might work for a jingle when a child makes a right answer, or a wrong answer, or a short musical "hooray" when they do a good job. If there is something like this out there, I would appreciate your help.

Easier way: many Yamahas (yep, those musical classes workhorses) have special options - I'm not 100% sure but probably called "pads". There are sets of buttons that produce various sets of sounds - preprogrammed and changeable. You may have Zoo set under one digit, Street set under another, etc. There are definitely some fanfares, ooh and ahs... All you need is to get this instrument. :)

Harder way: google for Background Music and search for the suitable phrases among those tracks. They are free to use, but this way for sure requires track editing (shortening at least). Or - if you have some music files in which you see those, as you put, "jingles", you may edit these files as well...