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Question:ive been using a fender strat for a year and just got a gibson sg standard cherry.. and im having trouble playing.. cause it feels different from my fender.. so whats the best way to break it in? just practice with it all the time?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ive been using a fender strat for a year and just got a gibson sg standard cherry.. and im having trouble playing.. cause it feels different from my fender.. so whats the best way to break it in? just practice with it all the time?

Play it a lot. The more you play it, the Better it will feel.


Practice with it, eventually it will feel natural again.

It may be a little harder to get used to since the gibson is a far superior guitar :) Eventually you will get used to it and once you do you will never want to play anything else. Welcome to the good side!!!

Practice and play alot. You'll get used to it :)