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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have guitar next semester....?????

Question:and i dont have a guitar case yet. i really want to be in guitar, but i dont think i'll be able to get a guitar case anytime soon. next semester starts in like 3 or 4, should i switch out of that class or something else....please help....i dont know what to do...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and i dont have a guitar case yet. i really want to be in guitar, but i dont think i'll be able to get a guitar case anytime soon. next semester starts in like 3 or 4, should i switch out of that class or something else....please help....i dont know what to do...

check ebay and your local pawn shops.
you could talk to your teachers and let them know how important the class is to you. maybe someone in the class could loan you an old case....

Wrap the guitar in a blanket and tie it with a string. Not fancy, but hey it just might work!

well, you could always ask the teacher to borrow a guitar case. I have guitar class at school and if you want to bring a gutiar home, the teacher gives you a case and he tunes the guitar for you. if you really want to learn guitar, then don't switch out of that class. if the teacher doesn't allow you to borrow a guitar case, tell him the reason why you can't buy one this soon. if he still doesn't let you borrow one, then you can always go to your local music store and buy a guitar case there. =)

Why don't you call a guitar store, like the Guitar Center, sometimes they have used ones....they also have those plastic cases, which are very inexpensive....or go on Ebay, you could probably get one there for $3.00....check it out !!

Musician's Friend has cases on sale starting as low as $29.99. They're probably not great, but perfectly adequate for carrying your guitar back and forth between school and home.

Surely your parents could lend you $30 for a guitar case if you don't have any money?

I've been playing guitar for 6 years and I don't have a guitar case. :) The only thing necessary is the guitar. Just be careful!

And buy a gig bag! Haha

well if its just a get caught up on other classes yes do a more intresting class.because i play and it took a lot alot alot of practise to get to the quality ull want to be and by the way itll make calases on the tips of your fingers and i dont think he or you will want that get back let me know how it goes merry merry lol JAY

you can get a soft guitar case for 20 bucks from a big place like guitar center, or even most mom and pop music stores

you should see if your school will let you borrow or rent one.

put a strap on your guitar and go for it you don't have to have a case to play good luck