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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to get started in the music industry, but how?

Question:I have no expierance, no equitment, no idea on how to start. People tell me I have an amazing voice that could take me to the top and I've always wanted to be a singer. But how do I start? Can I ever just get in contact with a recording studio, set up a meeting, and hope to get signed or does it work that way. I live near Dallas, Texas. Like the Keller, Dallas, Southlake, Fortworth area. Does any one have any advice on how to get started. I'm quiet young and I don't have money to do much or get anything started really and the closest thing I have to equiptment is a Mac that can record your voice. I can't play any instruments either. Please don't crush my dream, just help. How can I get started?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have no expierance, no equitment, no idea on how to start. People tell me I have an amazing voice that could take me to the top and I've always wanted to be a singer. But how do I start? Can I ever just get in contact with a recording studio, set up a meeting, and hope to get signed or does it work that way. I live near Dallas, Texas. Like the Keller, Dallas, Southlake, Fortworth area. Does any one have any advice on how to get started. I'm quiet young and I don't have money to do much or get anything started really and the closest thing I have to equiptment is a Mac that can record your voice. I can't play any instruments either. Please don't crush my dream, just help. How can I get started?

I think you are looking for a recording contract - possibly a record lable is what we're taking about here.
You'll need a manager and you'll need to pay a studio to record a demo for you. Copies of this demo must be distributed in one manner or another. I'd also put this demo in as many places as possible, and be absolutely certain that " It Is Good."
then if you're lucky someone will be so sparked by what they see & hear they will want to " Sign You To 'A Contract."

Maybe you really should consider ' American Idol."

Try some open mic nights or "Local Idol" type contests. Some bars and clubs have open mic on non-prime nights of the week, such as Tuesday or Wednesday. Our local area (suburban) has a local "Idol" competition that is ongoing. Get involved in local theater groups that produce musicals or any dramas with singing roles. And even if you're not very religious, church choir can be a great way to get noticed. Lots of very famous singers got their start in choir. If you are still in school, try out for chorus or drama club (they may have singing roles once in awhile). If you are in college, see if there is chorus and drama club at your university. Good luck.

Start hanging around sound stages, and in the places where producers and artists gather. Ask around. See if there are bands in your genre that are looking for stand-ins. Hit auditions and learn to get used to rejection, you have to learn to take the bad with the good.

Work out a lot. Physically fit entertainers have a shot. Audiences will judge you on your appearance, and so will potential investors. So the healthier you are the better your chances.

Go to and read what Derek has to say about getting into the business. Good luck.

Your local recording studios most likely don't have any connections to record companies. So auditioning with a local studio owner won't get you a recording contract. At best, if you have money and some musical ideas (and some musicians to back you up) you can hire a local studio by the hour, and record some demos that you can then shop around to record companies. You can do a search online and see if there are any small independent record labels in the Dallas area that might be willing to talk to you, but if you have no performing experience and no fan following they might not.

Getting somewhere in the music industry is all about making connections with the right people, and being in the right place at the right time. You can be the most talented singer, but if you don't get out and sing where people can hear you, as often as possible, it won't matter. If you can form or join a band at school, and then get booked to play out -- whenever and wherever -- that would be good experience for you. You'll need your parents' help, even if its only to drive you to places where you can get a chance to sing in front of audiences.

get involved with school and local singing activities!!!!!! that is my best advice. i live in the dallas area as well, there are some great community and religious open mic's, chiors, ect.
& take some voice lessons to have a professional singer's perspective. you can always get better!

EDIT: you have a long time before worrying about starting a career! just get involved with singing! you probably want to attend college and major in music as a vocalist. (it would help you to decide what kind of music you want to sing and would open up a multitude of possibilites)