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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Help buying a guitar for bf - is signature guitars any better?

Question:going to buy bf a really good guitar. he's going to get it for new year's. anyway are the fender "signature" guitars, or "artist" guitars any better than the other ones they offer? I know nothing about this, bf is not a novice guitar player and is self taught from age 8, now age 24. I saw this one and really like it. how can I find out the price? It's a John Mayer, bf plays music like that and sings too. please help me...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: going to buy bf a really good guitar. he's going to get it for new year's. anyway are the fender "signature" guitars, or "artist" guitars any better than the other ones they offer? I know nothing about this, bf is not a novice guitar player and is self taught from age 8, now age 24. I saw this one and really like it. how can I find out the price? It's a John Mayer, bf plays music like that and sings too. please help me...

the ones I saw on the internet are around 1,399-1,500.00 for this guitar. If u like to check the price just type it in and there should be websites that have prices. I had a rough time looking this up so I'm going from what I know musically from playing guitars for about almost 7 years now. I'm guessing that artist guitars are guitars which are made the way that the artist usually plays or the style of guitar that they use. Signature guitars are the ones with a signature on it. Not sure of if the two have different pitches, tones, or distortions used when playing on it. To find this out, I would go to a guitar store in your area and ask someone who has more guitar knowledge of what the difference is between the 2. the price I have is what I saw so I hope u have plenty of money to play for this, guitars can be expensive base upon which kind u buy. I would also check a guitar guide book for recent prices or the internet for prices. Sorry if not able to help explain the two guitars, hope he enjoys the guitar.

They are much more expensive than the standard ones.
Yes, they are better in terms of higher en parts, tuners, brdiges, body woods, pickups. But like I said. They are more much more expensive too. Be ready to dish out some cash for them...

you find all them and their prices on here

Good luck and hope you find what you are looking for.

with Fender American made is best. But most money.
They also are made in Mexico and Japan.
If he is serious, it has to be American made, his other guitar playing friends will make fun of him if it is not.