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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hello Dolly... "Ephraim, let me go..."?

Question:Does anyone know a site that posts the monolougue from Hello Dolly, right before se sings "before the parade passes by" and she asks Ephraim to let her marry Horace Vandergelder?

If anyone could give me a link, of, better yet, copy/paste it here, that would be wonderful!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know a site that posts the monolougue from Hello Dolly, right before se sings "before the parade passes by" and she asks Ephraim to let her marry Horace Vandergelder?

If anyone could give me a link, of, better yet, copy/paste it here, that would be wonderful!

Ephraim, let me go.
It's been long enough, Ephraim.
Every night, just like you'd want me to, I've
put out the cat, made myself a rum toddy,
and, before I went to bed, said a little prayer
thanking God that I was independent.
That no one else's life
was mixed up with mine.
But lately, Ephraim,
I've begun to realise that...
for a long time... I have not shed one tear.
Nor have I been for one moment...
outrageously happy.
Now, Horace Vandergelder, he's always
saying the world is full of fools.
And in a way, he's right, isn't he?
I mean, himself, Cornelius, Irene, myself...
But there comes a time when you've got to
decide if you want to be a fool among fools,
or a fool alone.
Well, I have made that decision, Ephraim,
but I would feel so much better about it
if... if you could just give me a sign,
any kind of a sign that you approve.
I'm going back, Ephraim.
I've decided to join the human race again.
And, Ephraim, I want you to give me away.

You could always try watching the movie and transcribing it. Have you tried googling Hello Dolly full text? It works for stuff like Shakespeare? Maybe even youtube.