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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I could sing but how do i become famous?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: singing

Lucky for our generation there a many opportunities for rising stars. Set up a youtube account and let the world hear you if you're good believe me you'll get noticed like these singers who got record deals and became really famous...

good luck, and happy holidays <3!

Thats great that you could... but can you?

be the sister of someone famous, and get pregnant...easy as pie.

one way is to maybe post a video of yhurself on youtube sining, or audition..... take esmee denters for example.

go on American Idol!

Becoming famous should never be your main goal or you'll be setting yourself up for a world of disappointment.Even the evry best singers don't always get chosen,even to sing back-up for another artist,but that's the name of the game,Kiddo.

do you really want it? can you bare the pain? go for it with determination, self belief and loads of confidence, even when the eggs fly over your head!

Like most of life's problems the answer is to be found in Rocky 1. " You need a manager"! Seriously, I don't have a clue. You may make it right away or you could spend years scraping by like Willie Nelson did. It helps to have a great voice like Johnny Mathis or Barbara (Lefty) Streisand. However, there are many singers with poor voices making big bucks like the guy who sang "Maggie"or the woman who sang "Its a Heartache" Be prepared for years crying in the wilderness. Good Luck