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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Guitar in tune? Help Please?

Question:Every guitar i've ever played when in standard tuning does this. When I play and E chord(022100) Everything sounds in tune, but when i play a G chord(320033-320003) the B string always sounds out of tune. And if i adjust it to sound in tune for a G then the E chord is out. Can anyone help me with this. How do i keep em both in tune? or is this natural to happen? thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Every guitar i've ever played when in standard tuning does this. When I play and E chord(022100) Everything sounds in tune, but when i play a G chord(320033-320003) the B string always sounds out of tune. And if i adjust it to sound in tune for a G then the E chord is out. Can anyone help me with this. How do i keep em both in tune? or is this natural to happen? thanks

The problem is the harmonic tuning at the 12th fret. Finger the note at the 12th fret and compare it with the harmonic at the 12th fret.
If the fingered note is flat, move up the saddle of that string, at the bridge. If the fingered note is sharp, move the saddle back.

Note: this has to be done with brand new srings only. When the guitar starts getting out of tune in the future, you know it won't be because of the harmonics.

Use tempered tuning for a guitar. The notes are fixed so you have to adjust the tuning.
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dude, it is simple, use a piano or keyboard and if you do not have one youtube will have a video with guitar string notes!

I have never encountered this problem.


You're experiencing "Tempered Tuning". All string instruments have this problem to some degree. The fret placement for each string is an approximation, so tuning is a compromise. On guitar, the B string is the biggest culprit. It shouldn't be a big deal with new (or at least newer) strings - it shows up the most as the strings get old. Check the intonation of the strings at the bridge also, it could be that your low E and A are not in tune when you fret them up at the G and B.
PS - Some guitars now have the "Buzz Felton" system (a different fretting setup) that is supposed to minimize this - but I haven't played one.

You're not tuning it properly. Not everyone has the ear. Try this.