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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Performance Theaters+ Late Arrivals?

Question:Do most theaters let late arrivals enter the auditorium? Not movie theaters but Performance theaters.....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do most theaters let late arrivals enter the auditorium? Not movie theaters but Performance theaters.....

Theatres often have good reason to restrict late arrivals. Showing people to their seats in the dark after a live performance has begun can create a serious distraction for the actors on stage, and also for the audience members who were smart enough and courteous enough to arrive on time. While late arrivals are blocking their view and stepping on their feet, other audience members can miss important moments of the play. Furthermore, actors often use the aisles and doors of the theatre auditorium for entrances and exits. Ushers have to keep late arrivals out of the actors' way to prevent accidents and injuries. Some theatres simply refuse to admit late arrivals. Others require them to stand at the back of the audience or sit in the balcony until intermission, at which time they can claim their seats.

No, it really differs... Usually there is a cutoff point of 5 to 15 minutes where they make you wait to enter. But sometimes they escort people so they don't make a disturbance.

It may be different in the USA, but here in the UK, it is usually the Director who decides what happens regarding latecomers. Once a show has started, sometimes there may be a strict 'no entry' policy. If there is a suitable break (for a scene change, or noisy battle/song), then people may be able to be shown their seats then. Occasionally, if the theatre is not full and access is not destracting, then people are sometimes allowed to stand at the back until a suitable point to get to their seats, or there may be some seats put aside at the back where they sit until the interval, when they can then get to the seats they have paid for. The show I am currently working on is aimed more at children. To begin with, we had lots of school parties attending. When half your audience is stuck in traffic, you have to wait as long as possible before starting! Most shows do try to find somewhere (even if 20 minutes into the performance) to allow latecomers to take their seats.