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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good three part song that my sisters and I can sing?

Question:We all love to sing and they were both in choir all through high school, and I'm still in school, so we all want to sing a song for one of my choir concerts, since they never got the chance to. We will take suggestions for any style, but we would prefer something kind of popish. A Christmas song would be ok too as long as it's three part and a good song for girls.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We all love to sing and they were both in choir all through high school, and I'm still in school, so we all want to sing a song for one of my choir concerts, since they never got the chance to. We will take suggestions for any style, but we would prefer something kind of popish. A Christmas song would be ok too as long as it's three part and a good song for girls.

Find a jazzy version of "Chestnuts Roasting on An Open Fire." Also, "Over the Rainbow" would be very nice in three part harmony. You can find an arrangement for SSA (soprano, soprano, alto) at