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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How is this illusion done?

Question:I've heard some theories on how to create the illusion of levitation but none of them can explain this particular one.

Where do David Blaine and Kriss Angel learn their tricks from?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've heard some theories on how to create the illusion of levitation but none of them can explain this particular one.

Where do David Blaine and Kriss Angel learn their tricks from?

Criss Angel does his levitation act by wearing a long jacket and just standing onto a ledge (like on an elevated garden). He also uses a fake leg and such.

And on the video, he uses camera and computer tricks. The people that are amazed are most likely actors, or just people pulled from the streets that are told to act suprised. He's on wires, and the wires are approximately 400 ft above him.

You can find a video with all this on YouTube, also.

its Criss Angel not Kriss

It's Cris Angel but whatever.

Don't know how it's done ... something to do with the shoes?

When he is lifted up, you can see a shape in his t-shirst. You see a line from his lift arm going down to the right hip

from their dad....

I know that when Kris Angel "walked on water" he was really walking on plexiglass.

It's a great question, but I don't have much of an answer. Angle is so out in the open, no room for trickery there.

video google search criss angel levitation and he explains it on one video

If you look closely, you will see how it was done. The guy-in the video with the two guys-was sloppy enough to give the secret away.

its not an illusion its REAL silly
merry xmas