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Position:Home>Performing Arts> When I sing, I cannot follow the music. Any help available?

Question:So I knoww when my bit comes with the music at the right time! Thank you very much and merry Christmas to all lovely people of the world!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So I knoww when my bit comes with the music at the right time! Thank you very much and merry Christmas to all lovely people of the world!

Take some ear-training instruction at your local music school. If you learn to read music, you'll be able to follow along in your score and know that way. And if it's a non-literate situation (as in most pop music) you'll become more analytical about that you hear, recognize things like phrase endings and turnarounds for what they are, and know that way.

Dont even try to sing and if you do ,, I hope your on the radio so I can turn it off.

HOPE you're having a happy holiday too.
And don't worry about singing. I'm sure u have many other abilities u don't even know about. Relax and try to have a joyful CHRISTMAS.
Take care.

Try tapping your foot to the beat. Find the beat of the music and get the beat in your head before you sing. Alternatively pretend you have a baton in your hand and you are the conductor of the band/orchestra etc. I imagine that when you have the beat down pat you will be able to sing in time with the music.

Good luck...Merry Christmas...La la la.

It helps to just listen to the music a few times. Listen to it enough so that you know it without thinking about it. Then try to sing along with the music. Ask someone for help if you're in a chorus. Follow the leader until you are sure enough that you can do it without any effort.