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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do the royalties paid on musical recordings expire after a period of time, and i

Question:the royalties are paid as long as the artist is still alive and after that the successors recieve the royalties the right to royalties never runs out. what you are on about is the copyright this ceases to exist after seventy years. but the royalty payments carry on forever

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the royalties are paid as long as the artist is still alive and after that the successors recieve the royalties the right to royalties never runs out. what you are on about is the copyright this ceases to exist after seventy years. but the royalty payments carry on forever

I believe the time frame is 70 years.

the period is a long time

depends if they die or not and the contract of the some. some songs royalties never run out.

go to' british music rights 'web page and everything you need to know is there.

70 years after the death of the artist. After that, each piece of art is considered "common property".

I think they pay to the owner of the songs (rights) up to 70 years (either the artist, or the family, or 3rd party owner), however, songs like Happy Birthday are used universally in public and private settings with no thought of penalty or compensation for usage. I'm sure the itsy bitsy spider would fall under that umbrella too.