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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm really shy, but I love singing and acting.?

Question:I get really scared. I've always been afraid of screwing up and being made fun of. But I don't want that to get in the way. What should I do to become less shy and more outgoing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I get really scared. I've always been afraid of screwing up and being made fun of. But I don't want that to get in the way. What should I do to become less shy and more outgoing?

Well, as they say: Sing in front of a mirror, in front of you family and you friends and your confidence will start building.

I use to be terrified, but I am not anymore. I have never been afraid of acting, but singing in front of people. I just had to realize I had a beutiful voice, and find some self confidence with my voice. I also have found out that before you sing you should do your scales for 10 minutes, and 20 minutes before drink hot tea with honey, lemon julice, or chew on a raw lemon. It really helps, and you're voice doesn't crack! Just don't drink or eat anything that coats your throat: Milk, Sugar, Candy, ect...

And acting, you probably have stage fright? Just imagine that the audience isn't there, and the more you act the better you get... so you won't have to pretend the audience isn't there anymore!!!

Hope this helps, and you carrier takes off!!! Break a leg!!

just do it afraid until you are not scared anymore, and if you mess up keep trying. never look at the audience, look just above them and they will disappear, and they'll never realize you are looking above them, and sing or act from you heart.

I am a naturally really shy person too but, now you can't keep me off of the stage. Best Wishes!

I was naturally shy for years, until I realized that being shy wasn't going to protect me from anything. You HAVE to get over that shyness and fear. There are many books on this, and they've helped me a ton. Try looking up the author Leil Lowndes.

Best of luck to you.

I am ridiculously shy and I love acting and singing. (This is gonna sound really gay, but whatever) But when you get out into that crowd of people, usually, your fears go away because it's your time to shine and let the world know what you're made of and what you can do. The only way for you to get over your stage fright is to just face it. You can even try doing it enough times to the point that it doesn't even seem like that big of a deal. Also, you have talents that other people don't have. Sometimes, they come to performances to build their confidence or to remember something in their past and they feel that they only way to stay connected is through a person performing. So when you do your thing up on that stage, just remember that you could be helping someone that's been looking for what you have for so long.

i think u should juss follow wat ur good in doing im sure ur rly good believe in urself and do wat ur good at trust me ive had lots of problems like that b4 and the best thing is juss 2 believe in urself and do wat u do best

Im a professional singer and Im also a very shy person. They say that soome of the best performers are shy ppl.
I was always taught that to be a performer, u always have to have to sides of u. U have the shy u and then u have the stage u. The shy u doesnt like being on stage, but the stage u loves it. At first u have to fake the stage u, but soon u will become confidant.
Someone said to me that u can never make a fool of urself on stage if u are honest.

Create a character that you can use to perform with. This character can even share your name, but you can literally act your way out of your predicament. Once you create this character, wear it like you would a mask. Many performers do this and it is almost always successful. If not, you are back to imagining people in their underwear, and this isn't always a pleasant mental picture, co give it a fair try.

This maybe not the right thing to do but don't be afraid to show off.