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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is it strange ?

Question:That I can only play the piano when I'm not looking at the keys ? When I play Fur Elise (or anything else), I can't do it when I'm looking at the keys. When I look at the keys, I get all muddled up and start playing the wrong keys. Instead of looking at the keys, I look straight ahead or close my eyes. Is this strange or bad ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: That I can only play the piano when I'm not looking at the keys ? When I play Fur Elise (or anything else), I can't do it when I'm looking at the keys. When I look at the keys, I get all muddled up and start playing the wrong keys. Instead of looking at the keys, I look straight ahead or close my eyes. Is this strange or bad ?

Well, I don't think it is bad at all!
It's a talent to play the piano well, but it's just a little strange that you can't play while looking at the keys.
Your not really supposed to, anyways. Your supposed to look at the notes.
I mean, look at dancing. It's a lot easier to do when your not looking at your feet. Or typing.
Anyways, keep at it! =D

Not really strange. It's like typing. I type without looking but when I start to look at the keys, it seems my brain is "wooed" by the pretty keys and I have to think where the letter is because now I'm looking for it instead of knowing it.

no. actually this is quie common, when u are looking at the keys you tend to think about what u are doing, when u arent its more habit. probably taking some lessons will end this problem, but u will probably have to start by learning some songs that are easier then fur elise.

Not really, I get lost when I look at the guitar, I play classical and I'm so use to looking at the music that when I look at the finger board I get confused, I think that's typical of those of us who are use to reading music, so no, I don't think that this is strange....bye !!!!!!!