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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Could you just wake up one day and become a rock star?


With not much musical background, I mean, music has been a part of me all my life but I never imagined making it...until now.

Sigh, to dream?

let's see.

Can I play the guitar? not really.
I played the clarinet in 6th grade!

Can I write lyrics? Definitely.

Can I hear music in my head? All the time.

...... do I make music!? I'm crazy in love with music!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: lol...

With not much musical background, I mean, music has been a part of me all my life but I never imagined making it...until now.

Sigh, to dream?

let's see.

Can I play the guitar? not really.
I played the clarinet in 6th grade!

Can I write lyrics? Definitely.

Can I hear music in my head? All the time.

...... do I make music!? I'm crazy in love with music!!

How do you make music?
Such a simple question, which such difficult responses.
Making music involves.......diving into music. Learning about music, it's history, where it began, the biggest influences, how it has evolved to what we know today, playing it, playing for others, playing for YOU, discovering that there is a whole WORLD of possibilities that you never even dreamed about until that day when you're onstage, pouring your heart out and you see an audience member shed a tear. It's working endless hours to find out every possible thing you can about music, it's wishing you didn't have to play your instrument ever again, it's realizing that with your education in music you understood more about than you ever did before....'s.........EVERYTHING!
And that's only thoughts from MY mind! The best part is--music is different to everyone but brings all together in one place, connects us on new levels....

Don't dream. DO.

well if you have a good hair brush and a massive mirror who cant? lol

Take lessons, maybe you have a talent that you haven't discovered yet, a lot of musical genius say that they have music dancing it their heads all the time....who knows maybe if you start with lessons you'll discover your hidden talent, go for it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take acoustic guitar lessons, I teach acoustic and electric and a lot of my students surprise themselves with what they can do !!!!!!!!