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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Church you receive a salary...or just a Christmas bonus. If so, how

Question:I spend 4 1/2 hours every a.m......occasional extra practice, and Christmas programs etc. Just wondering. I am gratis.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I spend 4 1/2 hours every a.m......occasional extra practice, and Christmas programs etc. Just wondering. I am gratis.

Many churches have historical and denominational ways of dealing with accompanists. Many churches do pay an accompanist. According to the American Guild of Organists, one should be payed based on education, ability, and level of responsibility. This of course follows logic for many other jobs. Their website has a chart to help churches figure out a fair compensation package. Of course, this is for organists, but one could easily apply this to a pianist performing many of the same skills. (See Link in sources)

Many accompanists look at their playing as a service to God and not a job. This is the personal preference of the accompanist.

I have been a church musician for about 10 years. There is nothing that says one way is better than another. One has to work out in his/her mind what they expect and make sure that the church is in agreement with those same expectations.

No matter which way you end up going, any person in charge of music at a church knows that a good accompanist is often hard to come by and well worth a salary if available.

Merry Christmas!

This should've been addressed when you agreed to be a church pianist. Most churches in my area pay a pianist a monthly salary.