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Question:I can't decide which instrument I should learn I've been thinking of flute but if you know any questions that will help me decide post'em up and I'Il answer them

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can't decide which instrument I should learn I've been thinking of flute but if you know any questions that will help me decide post'em up and I'Il answer them

It depends on whether you wanna play a "social" or a "loner"'s instrument (as referred to by my previous music teacher). Flute is a great instrument (I play it too) but I often find it is difficult to get in music groups as usually only 3 flutes (or 2 and a piccolo) are needed. Violins are a good choice as it is an orchestra's backbone. Guitar is great if you like playing more modern music. And there is always the old piano which is great at solos but rather boring to play as you have no one to play with usually. Of course, there are bass instruments and untuned percussion but I personally don't like them very much. Just choose an instrument you think that sounds great and will like to learn.
Personally I like instruments on C key although clarinet sounds pretty nice although it isnt.
Happy choosing

flutes cool, i play the flute
u have to like being with girls(its mainly a girl instument) and be prepared to practice ALOT to get the sound right.
if u like the melody of songs then flute is good because we mainly play melodies

the flute is awesome! i used to play the clarinet but i like the flute better!

i don't know you but i love the high straight trumpet and the free beat sax
the flute is also good when accomplined by other flute or total solo(just the flutes)
Edit: if your not in band i suggest you play an acostic guitar and play the piano to learn allt he chord, the saying goes if you want to have many women, learn the piano

guitar or piano

i play the violin and i love it. if you can't hold your breath for very long or sing long phrases in one breath, you probably shouldnt play a wind instrument

play the bassoon, or the harpsichord!

well u should pick one that u think Ill be good at a flute u could play its a good instrument

Flute is melody - Do you want to carry melody?

Low brass, such as baritone - provides bass and supports the rest of the band, like lays a foundation for the song.

Both are fun

guitar, just cause they;re pretty sweet.
or drums. (:

flutes are fine too. :D

Flute is good, I remember I played the trumpet which was so easy and fun.

flute is good

I used to play the sax and it was great!! Maybe the trumpet also. The only down fall with the trumpet is your jaws will get tired fast. The drums are also a great instrument.

Ah! The flute is a good instrument, good choice man. I play the trumpet though, I think that, and the Sousaphone/ Tuba are the greatest instruments in band lol, plus the trumpet is the hardest to play. If you are wanting to play the flute though, it would be wise to stick to a non-brass instrument, because you have to buzz, instead of just blowing air through a reed, the sax is a smooth instrument, and great in many things, and the clarinet is a sweet, soft instrument. You could try all of those out if you want to, but good luck man, and have fun in the music world :)

It all depends...

each intsrument has their own sound quality, style preferences and social groups.

I would say go for low brass. You can opt for either smoothnes, in a euphonium or french horn, marching skill in trombone, and power in trombone or sousaphone.

what sound do you like to hear? Learning an instrument takes some time and dedication but after you learn the first one it is somewhat easier to switch to another. I am guessing that this is for band. If not why not learn guitar or piano.

In order to answer this question you should know which instruments do you like to listen to? Try to visualize yourself playing these instruments and find out which one is the most attractive to you.

Classification of instruments may make it easier for you to decide. I.e: stringed instruments, brass, woodwind, percussions.. some instruments are big, others are small and light, some are expensive, some are related to a certain style.

And don't worry you can always switch to another instrument. What you learned about an instrument will help you learn the other because it is all about Music.

I also play flute, and I've been playing since 4th grade. I also play guitar, drums, and piano, and I think that the flute is the best to start on (that's what I did). Although, it's harder to play if you have asthma, like me. Another hard thing is if you get braces, you'll have to shape your mouth a little differently to get the right sound. Other than that, the flute's perfect!

As a flute and piccolo player, of course I have to say that flute is the best instrument in the band... but if I could play a totally new instrument now, I would pick the clarinet. the clarinet is very versatile, you see it in band pieces accompanying both the brass instruments and the flutes. it has a very unique sound and best of all, for marching band the music clips onto the instrument!!! as a flute player, it sucks having the stupid music on your arm. a clarinet player could also join jazz band, which is another advantage.

best of luck
(clarinet cats rock!!!)

Instruments that I think are cool(in order from best to least best)- Piano, Guitar, Violin, Sax, Harmonica.

Harmonica is easy to learn, but its pretty much never the main part of a song. Guitar is a bit tougher to learn, but a bit more fun and more entertaining, and it impresses women. Sax is cool, but not too many people play it, and the downside is you can't sing while playing. I also like violin, but its kind of a dead instrument. If you plan on playing past high school band, then the instruments I've listed are pretty much the only ones that are used in popular music(well, drums and bass also).

But in the end play what interests you. Although the flute may not be a common instrument in todays music industry, if it makes you happy, you should play it.

I play trumpet. Until you have the opportunity to study at the college or professional level (working trumpeters in symphony, college, or recognized jazz organization) you won't really know how difficult or rewarding it is.

Valves weren't invented until 1851 (by Blummel) so trumpet players used their "chops" alone to change pitches. This along with a bag of plumbing to change the length of the instrument. Renaissance trumpeters formed a guild in Germany to demand (and received) a 10 foot podium built for them to sit on to show the audience that they were that much better than the rest of the musicians.

Trumpet will make you the loudest, and most powerful instrument on the stage. Every mistake will be noticed, but the reward of tackling a most difficult instrument and succeeding are beyond imagining!

Trumpeters compress 32psi (enough to inflate a car's tires) just to play a well supported high 'C'. If you are an egomaniac (and you MUST be an egomaniac to survive) trumpet is the way to go. AND IT IS REALLY FUN WHEN YOU ARE GOOD! ! ! !

Any trumpet player who thinks about what they are doing, usually fails because they can't stand the pressure. "Brassy" behavior and trumpet walk hand-in-hand. The real question is, "Do you want to make the commitment and see it through to completion?"

Go for a guitar r bass guitar there alot of fun to lpay.

I play mainly trumpet, which is an awsome instrument. It sounds great in any form of music (classical, orchestra, jazz, marching, etc.). Some may say that it's show-offish, but we can't help it if we make the song sound better! When you learn to play it right and blend in with the other instruments, the trumpet sounds fantastic and not too low (tuba) but not too screechy (clarinet).

However, I learned to play the flute as well. You will need 1) Patience, and lots of it, 2) Wicked fast fingers, 3) And lung capacity like crazy. In order to actually make sound on a flute, exactly half your air must go in the instrument and half must go out. So no matter how much air you blow, only half of it will affect your playing.

No matter what instrument you choose, you'll do great as long as you practice, practice, practice and NEVER GIVE UP!

you should play the piano. i love it when guys play the piano.

I have played flute for eight years, and it's really fun and has a pretty sound. You can also learn saxophone really easily from flute because the fingerings are really similar. Flute also uses a lot of air, so it helps to add to breath support!!! Good luck with whatever instrument you choose!!! (clarinet is pretty, too. I really don't have anything against any insrument, i want to learn to play them all!!!)

Flute's a great instrument. I play clarinet, but alot of my friends are flutes, and they are awesome. The only problem is that there aren't enough guys on flute. If you want to play flute, go for it! Clarinet is also a good choice, because it is a lot easier to learn, and you can stem off into bass clarinet, b flat clarinet, e flat clarinet, or sax. If you want to play more than one instrument, you should join a jazz band. Most woodwinds (except sax), have to transfer to another instrument for jazz, so it's an excuse if you're having a hard time remaining loyal to an instrument, and it's a great way to have fun in band.