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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where can find the ranges of all instruments?

Question:I saw a wiki page but it did not seem right, So does anyone know where I can find a list of a instrument's ranges.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I saw a wiki page but it did not seem right, So does anyone know where I can find a list of a instrument's ranges.

Any good orchestration book (Adler or Blattner) will have this. There are ranges here:
But they don't always clearly differentiate between written and sounding ranges. Also, practical range will vary between amateurs and professionals, and certain parts of the range need special consideration. So you really do need and orchestration book.
Also, if you use Finale, it will check ranges for you.

I agree with the above--an orchestration book will have the answer for you, both for written and sounding ranges. Your local library will most likely have one.
Music software will check ranges--Finale, SmartMusic, Sibelius, etc.