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Question:If I wanted to get into directing, what would be the best place to start? Can you take classes for that? I've never really heard of any but it seems like they have classes for almost everything. Does anyone know the best play to begin for this? I'm from around Boston by the way.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If I wanted to get into directing, what would be the best place to start? Can you take classes for that? I've never really heard of any but it seems like they have classes for almost everything. Does anyone know the best play to begin for this? I'm from around Boston by the way.

Definitely film school. It's probably the best bet because i don't think there's a lot of community offered classes in directing. Apply to a university or college as a film major and study directing and production...that should help a lot. Most of these classes are taught by professionals who have had experience in the business (at least of the schools that I know of) and, like any class, will greatly guide you. From there, it's up to you...remember many directors went hungry and made barely any money at all before they became the successful directors we see today, but I'm sure you know it'll all be worth it in the end. I LOVE film/watching movies but I prob. won't be majoring in film :(
Anyway, it takes a lot of hard work but I'm pretty sure it's a surreal feeling when you see your work on the big silver screen. I hope to see your work someday...good luck!

I'm a theatre education major, and I'm required to take a full-year directing course to graduate. I just completed the first semester of it, and it's been a great experience. I absolutely love it.

I'd say look into your local college's theatre department, and see if they'd let you take a directing class as a non-theatre major. I'm not sure if you're a college student or not, but if you are, maybe you could just transfer to being a theatre major and focusing more on that. Some places even offer BFA degrees specifically in Directing.

Still, I've heard it said a lot that the best way to learn how to direct is by directing something. If you don't have the means to take a college course, then just dive right into it. See if any local community theatres have positions open for a director. Try volunteering to direct at a local high school. Read some books on directing. Good luck to you!

Theater and film schools teaches it.

Short of that you get a staging area, some actors, a script and just do it.