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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I want to begin playing the harp, but..?

Question:I'm not sure what type of harp to purchase, I want a quality instrument that is affordable. Also, I was looking at the Harpsicle brand, are they any good?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not sure what type of harp to purchase, I want a quality instrument that is affordable. Also, I was looking at the Harpsicle brand, are they any good?

You can start with a smaller lever harp or Celtic harp which has only somewhat 30-40 strings, Salvi or Lyon & Healy are highly recommended and most common brands. Later on you can then move on and start playing the big concert harp if you want to play the instrument more seriously.

No, that kind always melts in your hand. They make horrible messes that are extremely difficult to clean up.
I reccommend the Harporrhea brand.