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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How long dose it take to get calluses on your fingers from playing guitar?

Question:Depends on how often you practice and what kind of guitar you have.

I use to practice 8 hours a day on an electric guitar when I was teenager (got really inspired by Yngwie and Paganini), and after just a couple of days I had serious calluses. But I'd say most people get them in about 7-12 days after playing or practicing an average of 2-3 hours each day. I later swiched to classical guitar and found that calluses seem to come quicker than they did when I played electric.

Now that i play and teach classical guitar, i think most people will get them sooner when playing acoustically than from electrics (but it is hard to gauge just how regularly some students are playing). If you are playing an acoustic guitar, either steel string or classical nylon, you'll probably get them sooner because you have to use more finger pressure in order to fret correctly; for that reason, your fingers do more work and get calluses sooner.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Depends on how often you practice and what kind of guitar you have.

I use to practice 8 hours a day on an electric guitar when I was teenager (got really inspired by Yngwie and Paganini), and after just a couple of days I had serious calluses. But I'd say most people get them in about 7-12 days after playing or practicing an average of 2-3 hours each day. I later swiched to classical guitar and found that calluses seem to come quicker than they did when I played electric.

Now that i play and teach classical guitar, i think most people will get them sooner when playing acoustically than from electrics (but it is hard to gauge just how regularly some students are playing). If you are playing an acoustic guitar, either steel string or classical nylon, you'll probably get them sooner because you have to use more finger pressure in order to fret correctly; for that reason, your fingers do more work and get calluses sooner.

Takes me about a week if I haven't played for a while.

It depends, do you play daily ??? Everyone is different...I've taught classical guitar for thirty five years and I've seen it take approximately two months with daily practice, for the average student. Some students take a little longer....everything depends on how long you play daily, and how hard your pressing, I've seen it take as long as four months for some students who don't play regularly !!!!!!!!! But I've seen callouses on students who play for hours everyday in a month and a half !!!!!!!

If you practice 15 minutes a day, every day, it will take 2 months max.

Depends on how much you play and what kind of guitar. If you play an hour a day it will take about 2-4 weeks with acoustic, twice as long with electric,

Once you get them if you lose one it seems to come back faster than initially for some reason.

You can speed the process up by putting rubbing alcohol on your finger tips and letting it dry each night before you go to bed. This toughens up the skin.

Make sure you practice for about an hour each day. If your fingertips are hurting after 20 minutes then take a break and go back.

Keep it up, it will get better.