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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the best way to learn how to play piano?

Question:Whatever you do, don't try the sizuki method. You learn by listening, and the best way is to learn how to READ notes, There's no other way if you want to succeed. I would recommend taking private lessons from an ACCOMPLISHED pianist, not some old lady trying to make a few bucks. Take it from experience, you waste so much $ that way. Personally, I used to take lessons at a professional musical school ( along with music theory which really helped me) but had to quit since I had to move. I don't know what state you're from, but there are music schools out there, like Neighborhood Music School in N.Haven, CT.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whatever you do, don't try the sizuki method. You learn by listening, and the best way is to learn how to READ notes, There's no other way if you want to succeed. I would recommend taking private lessons from an ACCOMPLISHED pianist, not some old lady trying to make a few bucks. Take it from experience, you waste so much $ that way. Personally, I used to take lessons at a professional musical school ( along with music theory which really helped me) but had to quit since I had to move. I don't know what state you're from, but there are music schools out there, like Neighborhood Music School in N.Haven, CT.

Take lessons from a piano teacher.

for me to learn new things, i learn in chunks or blocks. then each block i repeat several times. Then in do something else for like half and hour like read a magazine or watch tv. When i go back, it all comes back to me together. repetition helps.

I picked this up the other day and haven't had time to check it out myself.

buy books and learn from them or a teacher

There's nothing better than a piano teacher. I'm 14 and have been playing with the same piano family for 7 1/2 years.
And I am an accomplished pianist, if i do say so myself.

first, you've got the interest to do so.
secondly, focus and make a timetable for yourself when to memorize the notes and your piece and thirdly, keep practicing. as saying goes "Practice makes perfect".

practice with an electric keyboard and get acquainted with the notes and scales. learning from a qualified professional would benefit you in the long-run.

Get a piano teacher! And practice. I guess you could try a book or DVD, but that stuff really just helps you once you've got a teacher.