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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can you sing?

Question:Mhm! Can YOU??? ^_^

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mhm! Can YOU??? ^_^


Yeah, I don't do too bad.

yup =]

Yes, and very

A little.

everyone can sing....the question is Do you sing well? The answer: yes

yes. (by the way anyone can sing, unless they are mute,) anyone can sing badly, well or just mediocre.

honestly...yes! Singing is my talent! I won many awards for best singing!

no way

YES I CAN SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

i can sing, but not well.
haha, i suck :(
i wish i could sing good

Oh boy can I sing!!! Of course you probably wouldn't like to hear me sing.........

Singstar says YES! haha

i like to think so... im a pretty good soprano, was in chorus in HS and pretty good vocal range. ..;)

Yes, I can.

Yep, Bluegrass

Absolutely. I'm pretty good too. :)

like a bird.I used to sing a lot with a certain girl in high school, I can't use her name ,but she does have her own band now,and is very successful .

im not even going to say anything...


Anyone can learn to sing well if they have the desire and are willing to put in the effort.

I sing, but only at an amateur level. During my last semester or so in college, I rigged up the guts to take a semester of voice lessons and enjoyed it. I really wish that I had started lessons sooner. This past spring, I rigged up the guts to audition for Amasong, which a premire lesbian/feminist chorus in my area (East-Central Illinois), and was accepted. The chorus has won several major awards, including a grammy or two. The chorus has put out several cds (which you can listen to samples of online), and there are talks of putting together a 4th cd in the future, as well as doing some touring. I have to admit, we are an AMAZING sounding group. We're not perfect by any means, but we are continually striving to perform to the best of our abilities.

ive heard people say im amazing
i think im good
but i hate questions like these
they make me feel cocky lol =/

yep, i was a lead singer for a band at one point, need to start up another....